Old News/New News, Whats the Difference?
Old News 12/16/15
The Pentagons recent decision to build a string of military
bases in Africa, Southwest Asia, and the Middle East seems like a perfect
opportunity for the United States to fully realize it’s world- wide domination
and subjugation of everyone. Most countries can barely think about building a
compost heap without going through the United States approval process, which usually
entails sending John Kerry and a UN representative. Building more military
bases is tantamount to acknowledging the eternal war concept but not really
conquer any terrorist networks developing anywhere in the world. Back in the
day, liberation philosophies were the order of the day so if not military bases
to contain the presumed communist threat and developing CIA connections to contain
the minority insurrections were the order of the day. Unfortunately, the US can
no longer differentiate between liberation, democratic movements, public
protest and the surreal definition they have of terrorism. It’s probably not so
much it’s definition but the ways in which it is dealt with. We spend so much
time, and money, trying to outguess terrorists, we’ve given them superpowers.
And once you give them superpowers and guns to go along with it, you’ve
relegated yourself to the pretense of defense but a terrorist model offense. If
I was a terrorist I would model my strategy straight out of the CIA/Homeland
Security/FBI textbook, a book no librarian would ever be able to find.
Yesterday an email sent 640,000 students in LA home from
school whereas in New York everyone went about their business with the same
threat. I’m not sure which city did the right thing. Whenever I see and hear
this ongoing discussion about what to do I wonder more about how the
advancement of fascism, through US security policy internationally has come
along almost so perfectly, I go back to 9/11 and think of what a beautiful
strategy it was. It was beautiful because it’s difficult to understand who were
the victims and who were the terrorists in the long run. Since 9/11 the United
States has regaled in the fight against Al Qaida, the Taliban, any turncoat
dictator it once supported and now doesn’t, and more recently, ISIL. I don’t
think anyone, not even a ordinary good Muslim can tell you the difference
between any of those above mentioned enemies of the free world. Yet, somehow,
military power remains discriminatory.
Along with the string of military bases the United States is
giving to the world, Saudi Arabia has strung together it’s own anti-terrorist
collaboration with some ambiguous connections in the Arab world. This
collaboration between the United States and Saudi Arabia has always been about
as ironic a friendship as anything political can be. The United States gave us
Al-Qaeda, Saudi Arabia gave us ISIL. If there is a caliphate in that part of
the world it is already established by Saudi Arabia. We’re always pointing our
fingers at Iran, but only with the puppetry of Saudi Arabia.
Listen to this. "The bases could be used for collecting
intelligence and carrying out strikes against the terrorist groups far-flung
Now if that isn’t a flexible and scary rendition of saying,
“We have no boundaries,” I don’t know what is.
I still have a certain amount of faith in the masses, of
which here in America, entails the ever growing minorities and poor, but in the
rest of the world entails just about everybody else who has been directly
affected by the total collapse of free will and social cohesion. This same
affect is the primary result in America of total police militarism, which
didn’t come about overnight, a total collapse of the economic system with no
repercussions for anyone responsible. It’s as if the war on terror and the
economic injustice system collided and merged into superstorm Fascista. I don’t
think those things happen like the way it does in Nature. They are masterminded
by human deviousness.
Here’s food for thought. Call me crazy, I don’t care. There
are two things that have happened that changed the world so drastically in my
lifetime that came about through “unusual” normal seeming series of events.
The first was 9/11 but not in the way you might think. In
the 2000 presidential election, the election was decided by the Supreme Court.
That in itself was unusual but was the decision reasonable. Supposedly, we
lived in a democratic society, where the president, in this case, is elected by
delegates from the electoral college, who represent the “democratically” chosen
candidate of that state. Reasonably, the decision should have gone back to the
state (Florida) to recount or recast their votes. Why? Because we are a
constitutional democracy. Conservatives bitch all the time about how the
Supreme Court makes law, taking away Congress’ constitutional right to do that.
The decision in this case had no basis in law because there was no standard for
a national election outcome to be determined by a decision by the Supreme
Court. Why not a recount? Because of time and money. Time, or the lack of it,
is an integral part of the way the United States makes foreign and domestic
policy. It is decision making on steroids. If countries have personalities
which I think they do, the United States would be the one that makes a decision
without the facts (kind of like Donald Trump) hmm and then goes about proving
itself by eliminating any controversy by eliminating opposition through lies or
force. A recount would have taken too long, was too costly, demonstrated
weakness in the democratic structure so we get George Bush as president because
the Supreme Court says so. I know there are people who say that George Bush was
behind 9/11 but I say it was the people behind George Bush that caused 9/11.
Jump ahead eight years, two wars, the Patriot Act, Homeland
Security, and what do you get just before the 2008 presidential election. I’ll
admit I didn’t think George Bush was going to leave the presidency. I thought
he would enact some presidential decree, putting himself and his cabal in
charge until this terror thingamachig is taken care of. But it happened so much
better than that. A instantaneous world- wide crisis that supposedly no one in
power saw coming, or if they did, then they ignored it, just like 9/11, a
crisis that would tie the hands of any one of the two major presidential
candidates. It didn’t matter which one it was. The differences between the two
would have been slightly different during their respective constituencies but
not enough difference to make a difference. And, most importantly, there is no
time to decide or create or even to politicize, immediacy being the order of
the day. In eight years, we got 9/11, a war in Iraq, a war in Afghanistan, a
catastrophic economic meltdown, all beyond our pale to truly deal with, and the
American public is left looking like a helpless child as it’s parents kill each
So the new president is saddled with the old order, the one
without hope because hope has been erased. The problem is a world- wide
disorder, both economic and military, created by the nations and philosophies
that engendered it and who are participating in it.
So we have two events, two events that have brought us to
the brink, and ironically, again, the american democratic process has given us
no new ideas or fostered no new thinking, except the one real fascist in the
bunch, Donald Trump, who appeals to that great american ideal, the closet
haters, If there is even more irony,
other candidates represent the old order so much, it makes me wonder if america
is even unique. Even Canada has another Trudeau, we can have another Clinton or
Bush. Three names out of three quarters of a billion people.
In the meantime, Venezuelan revolution, Cuban revolution,
Euro-pean revolution have presented the old order with no modern liberation
philo sophies. Why? Because revolution is in the head and we’ve been
lobotomized. If anyone thinks social media is going to revolutionize society,
they’ve never looked at Bill Gates nor Mark Zuckerberg.
The fact of the matter is that “a string of military bases”
is the wall that democrats say is unnecessary and conservatives say should go
up between Mexico and the US. The Wall is going up no matter what anyone wants
to admit. All politicians are complicit in the military state. National
security has taken precedence over every aspect of domestic social order. Black
lives matter can attest to that. It’s like the slave is the only one who can
tell us about slavery. The slaver merely thinks of it as legitimate ownership.
The same goes for any other issue currently alive here in America. They say
it’s a matter of perspective, yet everything is defined by those who have no
idea what it’s like to live here. Most people, recent immigrants don’t
participate in our so called democracy because they already know they don’t
have a voice in the decisions that pertain to them. So what if the guy you vote
for as president wins when nothing he does makes a real difference. So what if
he opens up Cuba, or abandons Guatanamo, or signs a climate change agreement
two decades after it should have been done. Progress is more like catch up to
reality than it is moving forward from this point on. Progress is recovering
the two steps back rather than taking two steps forward after that. Cuba and
Guatanamo should have never happened. The War in Iraq should have never
happened. I’m not concerned about what Isis … but what decisions are being made
right now, like a string of military bases or what decisions will be made
tomorrow by some neo-fascist president who believes that he/she has gotten the
go ahead from the military to build a string of bases. All I see is more money
spent, more moral decisions about who is going to be left out rather than who
is going to be silent.
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