2024 Anarchism, Fascism, and the Staus Quo
2024- anarchism, fascism and the status quo
Defining political terms is one of the hardest intellectual
exercises around. Everyone has an opinion of what should or should not be. And
that’s just under normal circumstances, not an election year, like we’re in
right now, 2022, with perhaps the single most defining election in american
history coming up in 2024.
Why is it so defining?
The election of Donald Trump took many so called liberal/left leaning/
and some real conservatives by surprise. The reason is simple. Trump represents
a clear representation of a real rising american fascist party, that is still
ill defined, unorganized (for elections), though with his election in 2016 it
is apparent the manipulation of the media, the resounding acknowledgement of a
middle class and working- class tipping toward a fascist ideal of tear it down
first, then we’ll think about rebuilding, have made the usual foolishness of a
fascist movement in america more possible than it’s ever been.
Five years after candidate Trump campaigned, then won the
election, upheavals in the Departments of Justice, Legislative disengagement,
and judicial tampering, six years later we still are unable to tell how big the
problem is. With Trump, at this moment, being hounded by the Justice
Department, NY tax investigations, and Jan 6th panels, it appears
that what once seemed like unswerving loyalty to him a year ago has transferred
to the mini-Trumps running state houses and legislatures across the country.
Certainly, food for thought as to what the future holds in American society.
America has seen many right and left radical movements in
its relatively recent status as a world power. According to Paxton, America may
have been the first nation state to experience the first, real fascist
organization, in the KKK. However, despite the ideals of the KKK that continue
to live on in most southern states and millions of white supremacist lexicons,
most people have learned from their history books that fascism is a european
thing, circa world war 2, Hitler, Mussolini, Franco. All the other demagogues in
the world before and since merely represent themselves as “dictatorships”,
which by itself covers a lot of ground in trying to distinguish between types
of nation states.
One real difference between the dictatorship and the
democratically elected authoritarian state, like what we have in America, is
that fascism doesn’t care about any of that. Fascism has one basic goal.
Destroy whatever institutions the public puts its faith in and take power by
deinstitutionalizing the society in whatever way the movement dictates.
With all this, the coming mid-term election of this year and
general election campaign trail opening up in less than a year for 2024, the
american public will once again be asked to choose between the lesser of an
infinite number of evils with little good in sight.
It is with a certain amount of trepidation that we
progressives for the lack of a better term begin to try and sort out how it
will work. As journalists, artists, historians, intellectuals, writers we feel
it is our obligation to attempt to discern the various motives, politics, and
movements that will pass by in this parade of old, traditional, meandering
political philosophies, and working-class ideals, including both the real and
imagined ways government does not work for you.
We have to start at a point of definition. Trump and his ism
is a fascist movement, fashioned from a Mussolini type of fascism that utilized
all the socialist, individualist, power-based ideals and models defined by
those who analyze political movements. It is personality (cult) based, it has
no agenda other than the above mentioned ideal that the state should be
destroyed by any means necessary, which can include using the very mechanism the
state uses, such as voting, enforcement of the law, waiving of pre-determined
rights already established by tradition etc, or by violence in the streets,
creating chaos, doubt, and confusion of long-standing public truths.
We will examine these phenomenon as we progress through the
electoral process, using the media, actual examples of the ways violence and
the media work hand in hand in leading the public conscience on.
It is important to understand many of the media outlets, the
general public at large, religious organizations, political groups, all use,
unintentionally or not, resources designed to influence the one main entity,
the public mind to vote, not from an actual engagement in the electoral
process, but as a fearful, disengaged, uneducated, unthinking electorate.
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