The climate book by Greta Thunberg

Back in the ice age 1990s when mobile exxon one of the largest warming producers discovered itself as a climate killer, reneged on its own responsibility and suggested that consumers reduce their own carbon footprint.

The left always seems so insulted that anyone except corporations bear responsibility for anything bad thats happening, as if obsessive consumerism (that is, the compulsive need to purchase based on advertising, enticements, or wealth, regardless of whether or not said purchases are detrimental in one way or another to a persons health, well-being, need, or conscience) is the only reason corporations provide them. In other words, no buy, no product. It has something to do with consciousness raising, which most people, black and white, rich or born, seem to be adverse to.

On the other hand, the right wants us to believe that we have any right,or should have any right to complete individual freedoms and we humans are NOT a danger to ourselves because God, for whatever idiotic reason, loves us more than THEM. This adherence to individual rights does not include equal rights.

Why dont we? If climatE change activists expect mobil and the other climate killers to do it on their own then it will never get done. Gretas book hopes to educate us, but the vast majority of consumers are practically non- literate rather than illiterate, but there is a big difference between the two. Hardly anyone who is unfamiliar with the travails of climate change will read it and be enlightened by it. The problem is all of us who consume, which really makes the solution easy. Dont consume mass quantities of everything. Its like we came out of the pleistocene starving and hating minimalism. Look at any homeless camp and youll be looking at a reflection of mass consumption and mass accumulation syndrome, like a pack rat, but at least, with the rat which has been around through wilderness to industrial age, through thick and through age of reason, through the age of discovery, and through high tech, the rat never eats its entire savings while watching tv, ordering shit from amazon or driving to the grocery store two blocks away and while you're at it drive ten more miles to the mall.

Heres the thing. Without a revolution, nothing will change, period.

To rely on the awakening, wokeness, of any particular group of people powerful enough to create change without the benefit of profit is as insane as anything. Its capital suicide for the capitalists, and im not even sure if the people living high on the hog, feasting on the green pastures of plenty still remaining earths resources, will even allow their masters to act in such a way. 

If you havent noticed, the trend is toward fascism, almost everywhere, including here in the us. We, the people, are the only ones who can stop it, but we,have to give up something, so why do we wait for scarcity to force us when we could just shut down our stupid lawn mowers, leaf blowers, freeways, helter-skelter drive over the cliff like some harassed, unthinking bison herd.

Get out and walk around your neighborhood, talk to your neighbors, dont plot against each other, help each other, and buy only what you need, not what you think you wish for, like a child.

Were a nation of conformists, mindless sheep, penned up by the wolves of the world. Theres far more of us than the murderes, rapists, man-woman haters, weapons dealers, politicians, criminals who all are someones sons and daughters, and everyone turns a blind eye.

Read the book but don't think Greta said any of what I just said. But maybe she's thinking it.

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