Capitalism and the prophet motive part 1

 Capitalism and the prophet motive part 1

The prophet motive.

Capitalism usurped the work, 

Religion captured the communal soul.

The communal nature of the contribution of work and the social nature of humans was slowly bent and warped by the authoritarian personalities who atomized (individualized) and restructured the essence of communal living, which is the most natural form of human beings' social behavior. For the most part, the structure remains the same except, and it is a big exception, now all those who have power (authority) over us are totally made-up personages and figures, total authority based, not on respect and ability and desire to serve community, but reliant on the contrived legitimacy of enforced obedience from even more distant and disinterested authorities. Total Strangers, except for whatever knowledge they want us to have about them.

I can use the catholic church as my example because im not an expert in the rise of capitalism or the prophet motivation in other cultures, such as in africa or the other non-non western hemispheres. I can infer though, that how ancient civilizations elsewhere structured their large populations pretty much on the same principles of authoritarianism and enforced/forced standards. There is a rule that the more power needed to protection them from the overpowered and exploited, grows exponentially as their power grows, until eventually the social apparatus necessary to stay in power becomes so convoluted as to become unstable. Thus, all civilizations die and/or become transformed and fractured into something else or several something elses.

The small city state kingdoms of a few thousand years ago became part of larger and larger exploitative empires which eventually disintegrated and became smaller entities which grew into other exploitative empires and so on and so on.

The catholic church grew the same way. From small communal enclaves based on faith, throughout the middle east and asia minor-turkey, and mediterranean societies- into a empirical dynasty riding the political and military backs of monarchical authoritarian development of the state, out of more small feudal authoritarian entities, which turned out to be the perfect storm for modern world/industrial and exploitative empires.

Indigenous societies since the emergence of exploitative, colonial and imperial empires, have had no chance to develop their more communal, less authoritarian counterpart to empire. Since it is the main aim of these capital-oriented ultra, non-spiritual religions to transform indigenous social, communal societies into some sort of slave/working/consumer populations which have no real power nor influence over their captors.

I call these capital-oriented religions because capitalism itself is a magical belief in the use of an abstract ideal, like god is, in order to breed, socialize, and maintain a populations ill- illusion by promising an earthly paradise and rewards before the heaven bound eternal life one promised by spiritual types of religions.

If you think about it, none of the tropes fostered under capitalism are true, have never been proven true, nor have they proved to be better than everything else.

In fact, the only thing capital and the prophet motive, which is capital's precursor and base ideal, has shown to the world, is the basis for human traits such as selfishness, disorder, dysfunction, and possibly the worst, a direct cause of inhumanity to humanity. The thinking in the Declaration of Independence and other so called 'liberation manifestos" kicked off the Individualist movement where individuals, like corporations later, have free rein over the social cohesion and community derived from communal/communistic/co-operative. 

What it boils down to is the work, who does it and in what way does it make everything go round?

Our enemies have made everything so abstract, its hard to tell up from down but we have to keep trying, don't we?

More on this later.

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