(Before I go further, I assume you, the readers, have noticed the Warning at the entrance to this blog. I apologize to those who will refrain from coming anymore because by having to sign in ( i have to as well) maybe seems somewhat intimidating. It's about Google and about the fact that now to thwart freedom of expression by calling it something else is all too easy for nut cases who feel threatened by talk and miss the point entirely. Freedom of expression is being renounced all over america today and if you hear any politician decrying that fact, let me know, and I'll send them the anti-hate freedom award. But I'll keep on writing, though after this election it wont be much use to anybody. Just don't vote, organize, resist, and love, protect yourselves, your family and everyone else AND prepare for the worst because that's what we're going to get, no matter who our so-called leaders are.)
Am I the cynical one when liberal media analysts talk about
soldier love, and there being no greater love than a soldier who goes to war in
a foreign country and protects himself and his fello and fella soldiers from
harm. Is that truly heroic and is it true love?
Why can't I accept the principal that we are now all that accepting,
the glorification of kicking ass? It seems to me that we have as a national
theme the same as most street gangs. Allegiance to a gang or a country is not
significantly different. I hate to sound like that fuck face president from the
NRA but the whole street cred mentality needs to be thrown out the window. The
notion that all of us have talent of some kind that could be exploited if we
could get it on TV or in a combat zone is mostly ridiculous.
I'm an average guy that did not buy into the American Dream
because I would rather save my dream for when I sleep and see what comes out of
that. To pretend that everyday life is the working out of some illusionary
ideal probably helped Freud (remember him) or Carl Jung be driven crazy with
delusions of idealization.
So what about that soldier love? Living in America for many
people is worse than the worst Afghanistan combat zone. More people die over
the weekend in some cities than all the soldiers in the combat zones, so who's
living the life of friendly fire? The US spends trillions of dollars protecting
it's soldiers with the finest weaponry, while the people who finance it all
live it up on the proceeds from the manufacture and sales of weapons
everywhere. It's a form of worship that most gods would be envious of. There
used to be a word to describe the anti-sacred-sacrilegious, that's it.
We know that the Jews, the Arabs, the Catholics, the
Protestants, the civilians, no matter how powerful the armies that conquered
them or no matter how cruel their own armies, we've survived it all, probably
giving more credence to the Buddhist principal, life goes on, long after the
thrill of living is gone. Buddha or John Mellencamp. We're one of the most
durable species on earth despite our tendency to entertain illusions, not only
through our choice of drug usage but through our persistence in making up
beliefs that have no basis in reality, and worse, fighting over those beliefs.
If in the animal world dominance and submissiveness is the anti-thesis to our
seeking of freedom, then freedom is only the absence of dominance-submissive
behavior. We invent guns, weapons, wars, all that shit, simply because one on
one no one has much of an advantage over another.
Look at it this way. Put a Vietnamese toddler in the ring
with a young Muhammed Ali and what happens? Ali throws up his hands, laughs,
and picks up the baby, and says you never called me Nigger. Then put George
Wallace ( he's an old now dead racist democratic governor of Alabama) in with Ali and
guess what, George will bring a gun because that's the only way he can win. But
even then, Ali will throw up his hands, laugh, and say, "since you got a
gun, I'm knockin you out in one."
There are a million legal teams working on every aspect of
government, corporate and personal limitations on freedom while most people sit
around and watch idiot tv on a small screen telephone.
Meanwhile, people say they're afraid of walking, running,
eating, sleeping in their own neighborhoods but do you think they get the idea
that it is their neighborhood and if enough people get out and are visible, run
together, walk and talk together that the nuisances, which you can never get
rid of because social and economic stratification is everywhere, will either
leave or shut up.
Government is patriarchy, there is nothing to learn from it.
It doesn't matter whether there is a woman leader, government and religion are
not feminized, if there is a natural, less abrasive genetic code embedded in
Women will be the heart of real change, just not American or
western women raised in the belly of ambition and vengeance.
Revolution is not anything that happens outside of each of
us but is more the changes that are inside us, inside our heads.
Although Darwin's evolutionary theory depended more on
natural selection of physical characteristics, the Lamark theory of improvised
characteristics utilized and evolving from one generation to the next may be
more appropriate for our socialization processes.
Our beliefs and need for information is in a constant state
of ambience so when things happen to challenge our beliefs, new information can
cause old beliefs to become non-useful, and we can make changes to a new way of
Of course, some revolutions are merely changes in social
power relationships without significant changes in the belief of whether or not
that power relationship is necessary for the social order to maintain
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