Before thee, we kneel

Before thee, we kneel.

Who would have guessed that one of the most prejudicial issues over the century, anti-semitism (slavery, fascism being an example of two others) would be the pivotal issue to bring down civilization, if we can define "civilization" as the actual realization of a cultural mileau. Meaning that whether good or bad, most likely and common being good and bad in relative ratio.

The fall begins in the modern age, world war 2, the holocaust, the culmination of the western world's almost universal prejudice of judaism. Historically, like slavery, the roots go back to the medieval fears of race, religion, and power.

As we, the left, would have it, israel deserved to be punished for its seventy five years of ethnic cleansing, stealing of land, oppression of the innocent in lieu of the not so innocent idea that jews are the chosen people of an empty god. Although international humanitarian law outlines and defines what may or may not be genocide, ethnic cleansing, and other far breaching abuses of power within the international community, it does not define punishment, mainly because punishment is not within the jurisdiction of non-state tribunals and certainly not tribunals without enforcement capabilities. 

Enforcement of crimes against humanity are the exclusive right of might makes right' as we see in the two main worldwide conflicts in the world today, and their main adversarial combatants-Russia/ukraine and the tri-USA/israel/ terror factions. These two wars symbolize all the main contradictions of rising fascist states. All parties in these conflicts display anti-democratic, anti-freedom, pro-fascist doctrines as their method for success. Depending on which one you may "talk" to.

Israel on the other hand takes the hard line, we are not above the law, we are the law.

As these national leaders of the most powerful on earth, we, the kneelers, must bow.

Sent from my iPad


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