Freedom Will Win
It's a wonder the lengths progressives will have to go through to explain their beliefs. To have to explain that Zionism does not represent Judaism to every god-fearing soul who wants to believe that what's happening in Gaza is an act of Jews defending themselves from a hateful, terroristic people, who, in reality, are people just like the Jews who live ordinary lives in Israel and in the rest of the world. Equating Zionism to Judaism is like equating Isis or the Taliban or even Saudi Princes to Islam. Yes, those terroristic examples use Islam in the same way Zionism uses Judaism. All that is not to say that religion itself, in all it's various forms, has not been the main harbinger of not always hate but a disguise for oppression, war, and the renunciation of freedom everywhere.
Let's face it. All the problems, worldwide, relating to the status of non-believers, the status of women, the status of freedom are connected to religious beliefs, which, of themselves, are merely the mistaken belief that god intervenes on behalf of some people and not others or that god Itself (or in the case of most religions) HE cares enough about what true believers are doing, to actually condone mass murder whenever necessary, usually in revenge, or furtherance of some sort of "political" or personal necessity.
The problem with Zionists murdering Gazans for what Hamas did on October 7th is much akin to the mass murder and demolition of Iraq and Afghanistan for what happened on September 11th. Although both those countries probably deserved some sort of retribution ( like every nation probably does), it was Saudi's who drove planes into the towers and pentagon. And their main man was son of a wealthy saudi family. Nevertheless, none were Iraqi nor Afghani, besides those people were in the same boat as Jews in Israel, with their governments being weaponized and controlled by oil and resource corporate interests, protected by western guns.
It's all very westerny, like in cowboys and indians, working out who is going to control the world.
Let me get back to religion though because I do fear that this anti-semitic thing is, of course, going to get out of hand. One thing I do know for sure is all of this chaotic sentiment about how politics uses the confusion of people to manipulate even further makes the fascist job so much easier. If you look at the great fascist representatives of the modern age (Hitler, Mussolini, Netanyahu, Assad, Trump) and their weak counterparts (America in general, Capital, in general, Anti-freedom, in general) you find some religious stimulus, whether it be hiding behind some god to justify their dirty work. Both Hitler and Mussolini were so called Christian, Netanyahu is so called Jewish, yet they adhere(d) to extreme viewpoints brought up from the dark ages of history and pre-history. Interestingly, Trump has never professed faith in anything but himself, he just uses the insinuation that he moves and is protected by something bigger than himself (even having his followers believe he was "saved" from the assassination.)
Freedom isn't revenge, it isn't fear, it isn't greed, it isn't war and in converse it isn't the defense of itself. That's all sociopathology, that's all insanity, and that's all-anti-freedom. Defending yourself or your community or your nation, believing that a higher power is justifying and protecting you, those are the thoughts of an insane person when what you've done is control, oppress, murder, rape and pillage or take what's not yours, all that is sociopathology.
Unfortunately, we, in the western world, are now going to be driven and hounded by the backward, unintelligible minds of insane and ill personalities who are going to, and have already, not just since Trump, but throughout history, provided us, the people, with war, torture, rape, murder, and NO HOPE, NO FUTURE, where ordinary religious beliefs, where a person simply exercises their freedom to believe in something higher than themselves, which is a form of freedom, will be swept under the rug along with the rest of us who believe in freedom as a condition for living, not as a condition for murder. It is the ordinary Jew, ordinary person of faith who will be punished now for the actions of their extremist dictatorial ill-chosen leaders. Ordinary Jewish-Israeli citizens have to make the same decisions about themselves as ordinary Americans and others have to make. Will we stand up, will we have the patience and strength to resist?
Yes, but some of us will probably try and meet the enemy with firepower, forgetting Freedom does not come from the barrel of a gun but from the power of the people resisting, building, loving the freedoms we have and taking back the freedoms, we will sometimes lose but have to find again. There will be plenty of opportunity for us to protect our families, friends, neighbors, and communities from what's going to happen next. Plenty of opportunity to exercise your freedom, not suppress it. This is where the rubber meets the road, so to speak.
PEACE! Do Not Hate. Fight without murder, Resist with your mind, heart, and body. Speak it, Shout it.
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