Lessor of Two Evils is NOT a choice anyone should have to make

Two state solution

Well, it seems whoever we got, the threat remains the same. Progressive people say we're living in dangerous times. Even regular people say it.

Why? It appears that gazans are living in dangerous times but not us. We have the choice and no matter how many chose the two-state solution over the last seventy years no one here did enough to make that possible. It's always been dangerous times there.

It's always been dangerous times, believing in the two-state solution is like believing in santa claus, easter bunny, or werewolves. And if anyone still believes in it, they are truly absurdist. There will be no freedom from pain in gaza.

This election will demonstrate the weakness of the great democratic dream. We are a third-rate country. We just have big guns, just like the militias, terrorists, cartels, police that control the people in the third world with threats, murder, and civil war.

Remember, no matter who wins, the racist and hateful rhetoric that comes out of the republican lexicon comes with tens of millions of votes but also remember so does the slow change, no change, soft rhetoric of progress, justice, equality, two-state solutions of timid, passive junk dealers who will allow economic survival of the fittest continue and war against brown people around the world carry on for the sake of their own security.

Americans are like supermarkets; their politics are all alike.

Two state solutions, immigration reform, political and social justice reforms, economic parity, tax reform, climate change solutions, all these "policies" that will never see the light of reality.

I am not neutral but not lessor of two evils is still evil and not a choice.

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