More questions than answers...

 ... but answers are what we need to start working on. Forget National Politics, forget national political figures, celebrities. If they aren't coming to your local, community BBQ, then they don't matter, do they?

I wrote in an earlier article, "I was not afraid of Donald Trump." I've thought about that since the election, and it still holds true. I said it in the same way I can say, "I'm not afraid of nuclear war." 

The reason for both statements is basically the same. No one, especially billionaires and businessmen, wants Uncertainty. It's the Uncertainty Principle and believe it or not, we, as the people, should feel Certain that for them to bring the House down means worse for them than for us. Yes, they'll say they are going to, but do or can they really mean it?

Yes, those in power, those who have wealth, political power, will make you think the worlds is coming to an end. (Read 'We're Still Living Out the Old Testament'). History has shown us that there are strong beliefs out there about apocalyptic scenarios but, ironically, those beliefs initially began with the common Hope that God did truly represented and protected common, ordinary true believers who were at the mercy of guess who, power hungry people, infidels, kings, generals and wealthy people- basically, sinners.

Nowadays, of course, with the emergence of nation states and the supposed guaranteeing of protections, security, and wishful thinking, the state tries to emulate the gods from whom they've usurped those "powers' of protection, security." In fact, they've gone even further with the Age of Reason thinking about equality, democracy, justice for all rather than some.

But, as we know, it isn't about All, it's about them, so over the course of the last few centuries, they've built their own nation state system that surrounds and protects them from such evils as socialism, communism, while they continue to desire and support the monolithic political spectrum of dictators, oligarchs, and the principles of genetic superiority of one form or another. brought to you by the mistaken scientific usurpation of racist, culturist ideologies that have been institutionalized within their legal and cultural definitions. .

Okay, so where does that leave us in the world of Certainty? Donald Trump merely represents the total panorama of snide politicians and power-hungry people who "know" how far they think they can go but will not take us to the edge but not make the plunge because the edge means their own destruction. Right now, they have it made. They have the petty conflicts to fuel their demand for our fear of their destruction, they have institutions to protect not only their assets but their own freedom to do what they want. But what they can't know, just like we all can't know, is what happens when it does all break down, when one of them breaks their own oath, and brings it down on, not only us, but themselves.

Right now, there is one man who has more potential to break it, all those entrenched mechanisms that they've used to further their own hubris and that's Netanyahu, with his reckless military adventure in the middle east, the adventure based in Old Testament beliefs. 

Look at Iran, look at Russia, or China, or any number of nations intent on making belligerent statements, they understand that their desires for standing up to america militarily will be short lived but they also understand that America is entrenched in contradictory themes- global, worldwide cooperative, capitalist monetary economy AND in the refusals of all nations, including America, wanting to make the ultimate sacrifice, which is, mutually assured self-destruction. It is all for one and one for all when it comes to them. Thats one reason why the major powers now engage in proxy wars, manufacturing and weaponizing smaller countries while hiding behind a symbolic peace process. They adapt and it's time we do too.

Mutually Assured Self-Destruction is our guarantee that they won't gain but will lose everything they've profited by. Think about it. During the pandemic, while we suffered, especially here in the US, their worldwide system was weakened just over the course of a couple of years. Why did America become the hardest hit of the pandemic countries? Because our system beyond the surface of things is the most entangled of all the so-called civilized societies. Not much for us to go on but neither has indirect, nationalized politics, institutionalized racist and culturalist (which includes religious intolerance), fear of immigrants, fear of social and economic change really brought us closer to our realizations. All of those things have been the source for tyrants to create fear and hatred over the centuries. If anything, our fear has been so infested with their creation of an environment safe for them (making wealth and money the only "real" assurance for security and safety).

There is a problem. An old Pogo cartoon states, "We have met the enemy, and it is us." Our differences are pettier and more trivial than real. Imagined grievances, traditional nuances, religious biases not based in anything except a belief in scripture written thousands of years ago, and an inability to break down the language we use to define what's good and what's bad. Is democracy bad, is equality good, how about "respect", how about "self-control"?

( more on this later)


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