allred has shared a file with you ( Cuba- the original lab rat for america's war on revolution)

America has always prided itself on it's own revolution as it does on it's own twisted historical interpretation and self-analysis, like a typical sociopath would do, while at the same time diminishing any other nations right to self- determination. This is a fact.
The worldwide social, cultural, and political upheavals throughout the world beginning in the early and mid-twentieth century as nations swept up in the eighteen hundreds in imperial designs, including all the western powers controlling african countries, central and south americas, southeast nations, all rose up to throw off the dictators and manipulators of the previous centuries. It was the timeless beginning of a world revolutionary movement, changing the old order of imperial and colonial designs.
The CIA abroad, the FBI in country, both contributed in american foreign policy to reject any revolutionary activity from developing by managing the message, politically scapegoating progressive interest here and militarily suppressing resistance abroad. It didn't matter that america was willing to support repressive regimes from change while constantly the drum beat on its own "taxation without representation" nearly bloodless revolution of the age of Unreason philosophers that masterminded integrating somehow equating slavery, state and religious suppression of individual rights with freedom and taxation with representation.
From the looks of it thats all it was about, a freedom of commerce, though not as a universal principle but as a means of obtaining, gaining, and institutionalizing the wealth of a few over many.
That principle of economic freedom limited to those who were already wealthy is americas footprint to its economic sanction policies throughout the world. Those who object in any country get pushed to the side and disappeared in such a way that world economic and strategic policy is more like the board game, Monopoly.
So, Cuba became the "go to jail" card, an example of a form of cultural cleansing, a disallowance of the false principle, nations like people, have the right to a minimal and reliable social and political determination of setting their own course. Again, it is about money as we will all become more aware as america will now become the first industrial state where billionarires will determine the future of the world, out in the open. Pandora's Box


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