Forgive america

Why i cant forgive america although i am a white man and have never experienced any of the terrible events in my lifetime that were precipitated by the false, faked, infallibility of the american dream.

Yes, some may see me from the outside in, middle class, retired, comfortable but inside my head, heart and soul is a complex mixture of guilt, anger, fear, isolation, and a resounding moral standoff between my natural world and americas unnatural world that all of us are exposed to and manipulated by.

Its toxicity on everyones minds, hearts, and souls is all encompassing.

After much introspection, ive concluded some things that i have played out during the course of my life.

There are three historical events that stand out for me in which america, as a nation, manifested its true metal. This manifestation goes beyond americas supposed defense of principles related to humanitarian rights for all, which always turned out to be for just some, especially dependent on whatever ethnic, race, gender group, or other nationality anyone ascribed to. 

Those three historical manifests are slavery, indigenous genocide and ethnic/cleansing, and the holocaust. It is possible that all nations, whether western in culture or far eastern, african, have proclivities toward murder, rape, pillage and power but it came about that certain western european and its nation state progenies did claim they were the enlightened ones from which freedom, democracy, and civilized society were born. With these three historical eras in the so-called supremacy of white ideology, it is seen that even the apologies or changes connected to those events were/are merely provisional and specific to those historical realities and have not been applied to any universal humanitarian rights assumed for all. 

Not only have those western nations abrogated their right to proclaim themselves the sole arbiters of the idea of universal humanitarian rights but, also, should be denied the privilege of adjudicating the many conflicts arising out of the future.

Im sure that representatives of the american political machine would disdain any positive acknowledgement of slavery, native genocide, or the holocaust but, of course, they seem to be unable or, worse, unwilling to attribute any modern-day logic or comparison to current events.

This is demonstrated in the other historical events i felt were more than just political reactions to events inside and outside our nation but were more symbolic and representative of an actual bent toward unhumanitarian, undemocratic, unfreedom universal principles by which america, as a nation saying it represented, as well as being the adjudicator of worldwide humanitarian, democratic, and principles of freedom, as anything more than a rhetorical ploy.

Those domestic, historical events that were my informal education in the false american dream were the viet nam war, the civil rights movement, 911 aftermath, and currently, the denial and acceptance of genocide as a formal principle (that being the 'right of some nation, though not any nation, or in gazas case, not a right of any people, to defend oneself).

Its ironic to me that any nation(s) who were somewhat complicit in the anti-semitism of the early twentieth century, the slavery of an earlier century, the apologetic of indigenous cleansing, would barely bat an eyelash when an indigenous population, such as the people who live in palestine would be systematically, and it is systematic ( just ask israeli military man), is entirely destroyed, meeting nearly all the agreed upon genocidal definitions they themselves established.

Over the course of centuries' the inclusion of more citizens from formerly isolated groups, such as the right of women to vote, the right of former slaves to some parts of freedom, and changing the definition of anti-semitism to include the criticism of the nation state of Israel, which those same western nations established and authorized in 1948 over the rights of the indigenous population of mixed ethnic cultures.

The rights of All we've been taught to respect and apply to All, have never been All, they've always been opportunistically applied by the Masters of our species. Its always been their privileges over our humanitarian rights.

As a white man i understand what freedom has been giveth can easily be taken away. And i also know that every man, woman and child, no matter how rich or how poor will come to an end. Whatever happens in between is not reliant on how much money you make or throw away, not even reliant on whether you give or you take, kill or are peaceful, its that unique, complex mix of fear, love, hate, good or bad ( if you even know what bad or good is) inside, that part where we all judge ourselves because thats the only judge there is despite all the attempts outside of us that tell us what to do, how to think or manipulate us. Everyone has a nugget of freedom and only we can change who we are or want to be, so, and i know it's not much, but a whole lot of not much is what makes the world go around.

There are alot of questions we should all have about not what we think somebody else should or should not do, but what are we going to do rather than just talk about doing?

Im not forgiving america and what has been done and what it has been doing. I dont believe america has anything to contribute except death, blood on its hands, and irreparable harm to the earth, and, if anyone thinks thats too harsh, I'll just say, america leads the way and if we follow, then we can go over the cliff like a herd of mastodons or lemmings.

I'd rather be free because i think i know what free means to me. 

Sent from my iPad


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