Trump reversion to 1798
If you think trumps reversion to 1798 to take on deportation what about our fascination with attributing jewish as the chosen people by God himself, thus assuring all that we have today as far as blessing for genocide, ethnic cleansing, and dehumanizing interference in gazans obtaining food, water' and shelter.
Huckabee, a christian zionist. I always thought jesus was coming, not to save the zionist but to save humanity. Religious belief is as confused as democrat-republican differences.
You can run but you cant hide. Because the only one looking for you is your own conscience.
Uprising by muse
It looks like trump is appointing alot of women to positions of political influence. Is that diversity at work?
Groundwork for future presidents?
Sophie's Choice as immigration policy.
Macchiavelli as foreign policy
Adam Smith as economic policy.
Oliver Cromwell as Domestic Policy
The Bible as Definer of Freedom
No one has asked me for my opinion yet i give it. No one ever asked me to do anything except contribute, the most impersonal request.
No one ever asked me to join in a future, only to support ideas and themes rather than reality.
Build the future, dont recycle pasts. Its still Green.,
Invent the future, dont just dream of it.
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