Love fest at the democratic convention (another old news is no news)

It was a love fest at the DNC the first night. Everybody loved Joe, Joe loved everybody. Even Hilary seemed love was in the air. Love, love, love. The democrats loved the middle class and where appropriate, they loved the working class, which includes, i presume, means everybody, except billionaires and scabs.

I was close to shedding a tear or two until i fell asleep during Bidens long winded self-congratulatory speech. 50 minutes.

When i woke up and he was still talking, for some reason i thought of the thousands outside the arena and the short story by edgar allen poe called The Masque of the Red Death. 

Although there were no masks there' there was no there there, either. No mention of the gaza genocide, i guess because palestinians are not middle class nor working class, giving creedence to the hidden truth behind america, which is humanitarian and humanistic principles of equality, justice, and which all come to a full stop at this border, or at the obscure, undefined border of the obscure, undefined democracy of Israel, or on this side for citizens and the other side for everyone else in the world.

One question. Is the american dream only for americans? Or, for that matter, any americans? Theres alot of freedom to breathe, freedom to get an education, freedom to prosper. Oh yes, the obamas are inspirational, beautiful but hasn't what we believe finally gone beyond our borders. Is freedom, equality, justice merely an american ideal? So far, no mention of outside the walls we build for ourselves. Is every foreign trouble a threat to our guaranteed freedom? If we fear the rest of the world, then wont that fear eventually reach us, overwhelm us, as we slowly fear ourselves. If others freedom, desire to be free, outside our borders, makes us afraid because it challenges our hubris and nationalistic furor, then we will, can never be free either.

So, the excitement that has emerged in the democratic party doesn't mean hope prevails over evil. Evil resides in our fears and if we're going to always turn inward for our rewards of pride in our country, our national pride, freedom here, equality here, and justice here, just not there, over there.

We've left millions subdued, traumatized, oppressed, shattered, turned our backs on the rest of humanity, it's not a good look and it's not going to work, if freedom, equality, and justice for all is just in our history books.

I know, it seems like a beautiful moment, one not shared too often in each of our histories, but beautiful moments come halfway done, halfway gone before we get it all. 

Democracy is not love nor vice versa. Democracy is the best worst solution of political choices. When you go to the polls this time, choose love, love for all.

(Well, I guess that didn't happen.)

Sent from my iPad


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