T-rump wins.

T-rump wins.
George jr wins
Reagan wins,
Nixon wins

Nader loses, gore loses, harris loses, mcgovern loses, carter loses, clinton loses

If you like the way that sounds, think about it.
Climate change rejected, fast trains rejected, equal rights (a
s in the amendment), abortion rights rejected, workers' rights (as in livable wage, immigrant rights, union rights), any kind of socialism (as in social security, as in health care, as in wealth equality, as in taxation,). All rejected or, at the very least, ignored or compromised by the main political factions.
The fact of the matter is the left in america is a trojan horse to most of america. There is no other reason for the consistent emergence of political contenders who represent the complete opposite of what progressives say they want. It doesn't take a genius to see that what things cost these days, there is no way any working person would sacrifice their livelihood, family and even, self, to get things they themselves feel they don't need.
Climate change is like evolution. So slow, so impractical to those who live from day to day or month to month. Even the proponents of radical change, like me sometimes, never slow down enough, being so energized, adrenalized, to slow enough to sweep the floor of some neighborhood trash.
Most of the liberals, which i define as the ones who constantly complain about trump the last eight years, are the ones who are afraid in their own neighborhoods to venture out, walk around, be friendly. Yes, theres homeless, theres trash, and worst of all, behind the scenes are worthless politicians, city officials, and if you can't get your local house in order, how you going to get the world?
I recently started volunteering at some old neighborhood center that is trying to ramp up support by renovating the building which in the past was an integral part of the sixties civil rights resistance. From what i can see, the project has no real connection (as far as work) to the outside local progressive movement of antiwar, anti-fascist type resistance. The project does allow some progressive meetings, which is a good thing but when it comes to volunteering, its mostly young, unskilled people who come.
Their concerns are, of course, more individual and secular from the mainstream, that is, the older, more life established majority outside their worlds.
Where the left has taken itself is vying for the same sources of money, mostly from the above mentioned " established" liberal supporters, who, it seems, are themselves feeling that that is their sole role in moving forward.
There are moments during this solicitation for funds that orgs try guilt tripping the previous generation(s) and that too seems as if it is an acceptable place for most liberals.
Liberals themselves should feel guilty but not in the way the church might have it. Most of the illustrious politics of the past century have been shared by what id call mediocrity and unnecessary compromise because there remains the leftover and error filled idea that good ideas, no matter where they come from should be boiled down to compromise, compromise, where original ideas become unoriginal facsimiles to real change.
In a world where there should be many experimental, original economic, mainstream alternatives, there are none. It's one big gigabyte of monotony, grey area ideas, all of which, ironically, come out of the mouths of billionaires whose ideas are or should be immediately suspect for their obvious self-interest and greed AND whose ideas can only work if there is no other competition, and that competition is forced to retreat in every direction at the pointed end of a gun.

Sent from my iPad


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