The Appian Way
Would the left and or liberal media forget trump for a minute and get us to the future that doesn't include any of these clowns, puppets, or actors?
They have relinquished their privilege of having us react, accept, deny, or reject their ideas and visions based on old precepts of power, reason, and military strategy that came out of the Middle Ages!
Isn't it a little late to be surprised that the billionaire club that has controlled american and international politics for decades (centuries) now has turned traitor to any ideas about freedom, driving us back to worn out ideas about race, culture, and sex wars? They have put aside their individualistic notions about how people should live together, and put the nails in our hands, feet, and built coffins for all of us. Sure, we could just submit and line the new Appian Way with crosses of our dead and dying people and rebellious, some of whom you might know, submit our hearts but not our soul to their torture and war shows.
We could, but we're not, are we?
Yes, we need guerilla fighters like needles, but, more importantly, we need guerrilla communities like thread, societies that are like blankets, like webs, together, tight like fists, but open to change, like the weaves of Penelope, undone, redone, over and over again, needles and thread, Weavers.
Sent from my iPad
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