Fw: Open letter

Open letter
This should be copied and sent to your least favorite politician, priest, president, non-elected official, org donation request, or all of above.
Here's a fact. The democrats controlled the house, senate, and/or the presidency twelve years in the last sixteen years. This fact alone should give any reasonable person a moments pause when it comes to blame for our current political predicament. In those twelve years the israel lobby made sure that whichever party ( which is a complete misnomer, isnt it?) maintained its anti-two state solution and worked american guilt over the holocaust of world war two. Blaming the  palestinians for Israel's placement in the palestinian homeland by the western powers, including the united nations, is like blaming the iraqi and afghani people for 9/11.
Even that bit of reasoning should be enough to convince liberals that it doesn't make sense for them to maintain a political distance from the republican stance while the future holds no possibility of the two-state solution simply because Israel didnt and doesn't want it.
It has long been apparent to me that the government has always been, not just influenced by, but controlled by certain individuals, organizations, departments, corporations and not by the democratic process. This serious dysfunction is not fully the fault of elected officials, at least in the beginning, but a continuous misuse of representative democracy has literally left the door open for anti-democratic forces to emerge as dominant benefactors of american dollars, taxpayer dollars.
Trump has made it look so easy, dismantling constitutional privilege and standard. The democrats spent the entire first trump presidency trying to convict, impeach, and disrupt but did nothing to put their justice to work and make it stick. The public and republicans were confused and confused the issue. Nothing was accomplished and four years after that we're in a worst position because the four years biden harris pretended they were riding the high tide to a new democratic era.
Fast forward. Now today america is contemplating dismantling the education department (public education), breaking the treasury piggy bank, making ukraine pay, making a riviera in gaza, and establishing a christian zealotry state.
This is the puffer revolution. The exaggeration, the heads and tails revolution, throwing decisions out like gazans needing to have a time of peace and freedom from the catastrophe that somehow was simply fate, their ethnic group suffering and while they're away enjoying their new peace and love brought to them by america and israel, in a new tent city, a new trump tower or two will grow on the old trashed beaches of gaza, just like at atlantic city. But perhaps that will be the only way gazans will ever to be able to have their homeland rebuilt, though it will just be a memory and they'll be able to see the travel postcards and dream of a vacation in gaza. Give trump enough room and perhaps both gaza and ukraine will become the next two us territories, along with puerto rico, another example of us deceptualism.

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