The Three Musketeers Revolution

 It would be easy to bring these heathens to their knees, if we were united. A simple walkout by the air traffic controllers. The simple stopping of any major agency's contribution to our society, such as teachers, or social security/medicare workers, or farm workers, food processors. stopping this puffer revolution because it can only be stopped by counter revolution.

Yet, it won't be stopped because progressives and liberals, those who supposedly oppose all that is happening (up to a point) is reprehensible to them, at least that's what they say. A year ago they were all saying Israel has the right to self-defense, but its not a universal principle. I liked it better when the 1776er's were at least saying the people have a right to resist, fight, and defeat any obstruction of the freedoms guaranteed by God.

And many put down their plowshares and took up their musket. We dont know, because it's not in the history books, how many british citizens living and working here at the time or how many british supporters were hung, shot, murdered, driven away by the newly formed american revolutionary cadres.

Americans are taught by mostly omission, as if their very own revolution, was some sort of "bloodless' coup with a few heroic military skirmishes with stiff british marching band type of fighting and sneaky "guerilla" stye, hiding behind a tree, maneuvers spreading the tales around the campfires.

Then came the civil war, another example of how americas troubled past was ultimately determined by uprisings, war, militant slave activists, boycotts, everything you can imagine but what america got was the second american revolution. Over decades the political revolved around red and blue states, slave and not slave, ethnic cleansing in the west, mexican war in the southwest, and, for the most part, it was just like today.

Throughout americas history, the history we are suckled on, has been the curtain we, as citizens, have wanted to believe that at the end of americas purposes, there are real world victims, both inside and outside the normal divides that come about in every society. Folk tales, morality stories of heroics (depending on what side you're on) and tales of atrocity (depending on what side you're on). For a cause.

Its ironic, and perhaps irony is what revolutions are made of, that what trump does now, what the conservatives of both parties have done, worked on relentlessly, such as the education system, such as social security, such as the national defense, such as privacy and the right to a peaceful life, all these assaults on those themes, are now being put in a new light. They've been privatizing and desecularizing the education system for centuries, they assaulted and siphoned the treasury and social security since its inception, they've turned the military over to the intelligence services, essentially making it impossible to promote and defend a "peace" formula and transparent decision making for international issues. 

Both parties have adopted over the course of our lifetimes (and before that) the support for not one man (sic), one vote, but one man, a thousand executive orders. How can voting mean anything when once we get the man, we get democracy without representation, we get to watch as each successive political party turns the table on the other, reversing what came before, changing? They certainly must play in the fields of the lord while we graze the grasstop, mindful of what mental and physical borders contain either our enthusiasm or our freedoms.

They've dug their own graves, shown their hand but they will certainly ride out their vindictiveness against us because, believe it or not, it is US who will suffer, some of US more than others. On the day I don't get my social security check I will certainly be dismayed but I will also know for sure the fear is over, and that I'm not the only one, and the american system that's caterwauled along for centuries has come to its natural, karmic conclusion.

There is no longer one for all, all for one. 

Alexander Dumas wrote the Three Musketeers in 1844.

Technological advancement is not an indicator of improving human advancement for anything but convenience and profit. No one should believe that when the shit hits the fan that their car nor their refrigerator are going to work. When you strip modern technology away from anyone, all thats left is the vulnerability of a turtle on its back, all become overseen and managed by vultures on the wing.


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