Who's to Blame?

 It isn't imperative that Trump and his cohorts have the publics support so as their popularity begins to fray and their revolution starts to betray them, it doesn't matter to them because they have the "democratic mandate". Ironically, the democrats don't moan and gripe that for some reason the public upon which they all prey, got it wrong once again. The Democrats don't bray about election interference, they're just happy the process wasn't corrupted. This election went unscathed by neither attribution nor attrition. Happy that the system works. And that my friends is what's wrong with democracy, a word that has almost become the equivalent of a certain kind of freedom, which it isn't.

It's true, anyone eligible to vote, can choose not to vote. Choice being the key word here, and for those who think having a choice is what freedom is about should reflect on whether or not Pinterest or Amazon is the correct example of having choice.

I have noticed lately as I've taken up watching those travel videos produced by various world travelers that the modern world is composed of beautiful skylines and popular eating, buying, and historical spots of human interest. These modern skylines are everywhere, including Saudi Arabia, moscow, tehran, Buenos Aires, I mean everywhere, and there are rapid train, metro type systems, both modern and sleek, in all these cities that for some obvious reasons, americans have to feel these places are inferior to us. The streets "there" are filled with people going about their business, talking, conversing, interacting, eating lunch while the cars, oh yes, many cars travel down modern freeways, boulevards, and brick laden streets.

When I look at these videos, seemingly made by adventurous world travelers, I wonder what's so different with the people in those other nations, many of them under american sanctions or, even being used by american military might, or enemies of america and i look at the people, the ordinary people and they are just like me. Their country may be at war because the politicians of their nation are just like the politicians in america, producing fake illusions about who they are but, most of all, producing the illusion that for whatever reason they are different than others, they are special, supreme in some way, just like americans believe that if it comes down to it, it's more important to "destroy" these nations which are just like we are in order to rectify or to justify or just to imply who is revealing the truth to the world. 

Here's my point. Life in the modern world is exactly the same in every corner of the modern world. The people of every nation deal with exactly the same issues about survival, which includes any national, local, region issues, such as internal or external conflicts, prejudices, economic interests And, for the sake of maintaining thematic consistency, they make whatever choices (freedoms) are available to them. There are a million choices but one choice that is not left to any of us, is how do we want to be free, free from the choices they have given to us and free to not choose or to choose what isn't there. The existential choice.

We all know you can't have everything your way, all the time. And for some, they never get their own way in anything. Thats the way it is. The world, meaning nature and all that we sustain ourselves with, is fickle and arbitrary, yet men, in their various disguises and masks, feel if they tinker with everything, from technological advancement to rules of common behavior, and especially, with what they consider aberrant behavior, life will be more manageable. Those who really want to manage this for others are, of course, the ones everyone should watch out for (the old snake oil salesman) but instead, we believe, all of us, that those nuisances and tragedies that make up, whether we like it or not, our daily lives, can be better and better, nearly perfect, if a) the right person comes along to create the environment we think we need to thrive, b) if we can eliminate those obstacles from our lives, though those obstacles are as much a part of the living process as we are and c) submit to a higher power, whether or not all those higher powers have been integrated into all the other national agendas for every nation, tribe and militia in the world.

Believe it or not, everything has already been tried, whether on a small scale or world scale. whether it be snake oil, penicillin, fascism, nationalism, and even the prized democracy laden wars and economic catastrophes, all been there, done that. Iran and Russia, america, all the same. When the bombers come, the missiles, the rules driven, yet chaotic fascists or manipulators, the savior representatives from on high (and low), we all, all over the world will torpedo ourselves, once again sink to the bottom of the heap, only to rise again to the lead covered ceiling, rise up, shake the radioactive or volcanic dust from our trousers, and point the finger of blame to someone or something other than ourselves.


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